Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jesus Christ!

NOTE: This photo essay is admittedly one-sided, but so are photographs. Photos only show one side of a point of view the photographer had at the time. So this is nothing new.

I'm not a fan of Jesus Christ. I dont think much of Fundamentalist Christianity nor any of the world's other infamous and notorious religions (i.e., specifially Judaism and Islamic Fundamentalism) -- three major aberrant sociopathic blood-thristy world religious movements on a collision course with mass destruction.

Religion is the ultimate "weapon of mass destruction". Nobody is making an effort to stop the proliferation of religious beliefs world-wide. I say, stop religion! and we'll soon see a more peaceful, tolerant, well-adjused mentally and spiritually healthy earth. Let the proliferation of religion continue unchallenged and we'll see the end of civilization on earth as we know it.

I posted these photos to express the dark semi-secret side to this blood-thirsty, death-obsessed, dysfunctionally and mentally unbalanced aberrant pathological religious phenomena: Fundamentalist Christianity. It's as much a fascist terrorist organization as Islamic Fascism is accused of being and I'm no fan of that either. Judiasm is included in my view of Christianty since our support for Israel was, initially, a religiously motivated excuse. There's more excuses now.

For decades, anti-semitism has been a good excuse for irrational, unjustified military support for all things Jewish. To say anything bad about the Jews is to be lumped in with Hitler! It's easier to get away with hanging a hangman's noose on a tree in Mississippi than it is to disrespect a Jew! Israel/USA is always right and, given enough time, the rest of the world will be dead wrong! And for what? 8500 square miles of dirt.

To keep it simple, I used Roman Catholicism to visually represent the black heart of death. Like a Trojan Horse, it comes bringing honey and sweetness with the "baby in a manger" fairy tale. As a trilogy, the Bible, the Torah (Talmud) and the collected written/verbal teachings of Muhammad are the definitive Big Book of Curses.

Make no mistake, fundamental Charismatic Evangelicalism is no less insidious and dangerous to the future existence of humanity than catholicism and Islam. It may have less recognizable symbolisms for its contempt of human life, freedom of thought, tolerance for diverse lifestyles, behavior and individual creativity, but it's no less visible and controlling.

Most powerful symbolism of social/cultural death-wish inherent in fundamental Charismatic Evangelicalism: modern religious, political and economic systems. Democracy, Capitalism and Religion: the ultimate Triad and Axis of Evil. Systems responsible for the wars we fight, the costs we pay for living, the costs we pay for dying. Hopelessness future generations can look forward to.

Symbolism of Charismatic Evangelicalism: consumerism, coal lobby, big business, oil lobby, fast food, junk food, run-away health care expense, recession, unemployment, red state-Republican-dominated bigotry and self-righteousness, blue state-Democratic-dominated governmental activism and imperialism, homophobia, gun rights legislation lobby, white fat middle-class male-dominated environmental rape, Orange County CA residential demographics as a model and goal of conservatism, the auto industry, right-wing talk radio shock jocks, Wall Street lobby, the anti-choice lobby and the failed, fatal legacies of Dick Cheney's administration and his stupid puppet George W Bush.

If I offended anyone, I'm not the least bit sorry.
Read Nietzsche's The Anti-Christ. It makes me look like a Zionist!