(Charles Unger) I asked myself what connected all these random, seemingly unrelated images? (The View) What, if anything, was the common denominator between them? What do they all have in common? (The Other View) For that matter, what do any of my photos, or yours, or anybody's photos have in common with each other, with anything, or anybody? (The Couple) What is the connectedness of all things? What is the unified theory that holds it all together? And then it hit me. (The Dragon) The answer is, ME. Or YOU. (The Girl) What my photos have in common with each other, or how they are connected is ME. (The Painter) It's MY point of view. (The Tables) MY emotion. (The People) MY experience of a painter, or a girl, or a lonely beach, or a homeless man, or a telephone in a window......it doesnt matter. I AM the connectedness of all things. I AM what holds it all together. AND you. AND all the rest. (The Memory)