(Directions to Lonely Town) Predictability is based on the past and the probability of the past repeating itself. Coincidence is based on the past repeating itself less often. While probability is based on the past being repeated more often than not, photography, on the other hand, is not a Wheel of Fortune: when we take photographs it's always now. (Crossing the Steet)
(Desolation Angel) Before matter, energy, space and time there was (and is) now. Now wasn't created by anyone; nobody "put" it here. We can't touch it, but we can experience it. We can't photograph the invisible, but we can be present to it since the only space where photographs are made is the space of now. In fact, every photograph that is, was or ever shall be is only created now as a context distinguishing photography from history or mere memory. (Washington Square)
(Dharma Bum)Photography is the experience of "what's-so" and "what-is". Its imagery is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, the first and last fabric of experience. Because it's empty and meaningless, it distinguishes location, language and purpose seamlessly. In other words, a photograph documents transformation of our "existensystems" by letting us experience a unified field of magick, imagination, everything and nothingness. (Woman Cleaning her Nails)
(Man on a Motorcycle) A photograph doesn't have to be something hoped for, waiting to happen in the future someday, maybe. A photograph occurs outside of meaning, outside of any difference it does or doesn't make, outside of any purpose or worth it may or may not have. A photograph (as a possibility) is a functions of resistance, and whatever we resist, persists. Existence persists as photographs of ultimate nothingness where there is neither genesis nor origin. Photography persists in the tao of all things, in which nothing is true, everything is possible, nothing is forbidden and everything is permitted. (Ignored and Forgotten)
(Desolation Angel) Before matter, energy, space and time there was (and is) now. Now wasn't created by anyone; nobody "put" it here. We can't touch it, but we can experience it. We can't photograph the invisible, but we can be present to it since the only space where photographs are made is the space of now. In fact, every photograph that is, was or ever shall be is only created now as a context distinguishing photography from history or mere memory. (Washington Square)
(Dharma Bum)Photography is the experience of "what's-so" and "what-is". Its imagery is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, the first and last fabric of experience. Because it's empty and meaningless, it distinguishes location, language and purpose seamlessly. In other words, a photograph documents transformation of our "existensystems" by letting us experience a unified field of magick, imagination, everything and nothingness. (Woman Cleaning her Nails)
(Man on a Motorcycle) A photograph doesn't have to be something hoped for, waiting to happen in the future someday, maybe. A photograph occurs outside of meaning, outside of any difference it does or doesn't make, outside of any purpose or worth it may or may not have. A photograph (as a possibility) is a functions of resistance, and whatever we resist, persists. Existence persists as photographs of ultimate nothingness where there is neither genesis nor origin. Photography persists in the tao of all things, in which nothing is true, everything is possible, nothing is forbidden and everything is permitted. (Ignored and Forgotten)